The Law of Attraction Simply states that whatever we Focus on will be drawn to us
But how does this Work?
Its best explained by briefly taking a look at Quantum PhysicsQuantum Physics is the study of the buildingblocks of the universe. Quantum Physics has proven that everything in this universe is madeup of atoms, and atoms are made up of sub-atomic particles sometimes called quanta. These sub-atomic particles are nothing but concentration of energy.It has become clear that everything in this universe is made of energy. The only difference between an atom of Iron and an atom of gold is that the atom of iron has energy that isvibrating at a different frequency to the energyof gold. It is clear that the reason why the same particles grow together is because they are vibrating at the same frequency.
.How does the law of attraction work?
In order to explain how the law of attraction workswe need to understand what thought are.Thoughts are Vibrational Energy and a very potent form of energy. That means that it will be attract to other energy with the same frequency. when we hold a thought in our mind or the picture of an item we would like to attract then the picture in our mind (thought) is at the same frequency of the item weare attempting to attract.
How to implement the law of attraction?
step 1
Determine what it is that you would like to Attract hold a picture in your mind.
Step 2
Hold the picture in your mind for as long and as often as possible
Step 3
See yourself enjoying the thing you would like to attract
eg. If its a new car see yourself driving in the car waving to your friend. See yourself driving the car to a favorite place.
How to activate the law of attraction?
The simplest way to actvate it is to hold a mental picture ofwhat you desire as long as possible and as oftenas possible. Feel that you already have what youwant with certainty; you will see it quickly inyour real life.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Law of Attraction - How to Activate
law of attraction,
positive energy,
positive mental attitide,
positive thinking
Posted by
2:51 AM
Friday, December 19, 2008
Who Packed Your Parachute
Charles Plumb was a US Navy jet pilot in Vietnam. After 75 combat missions, his plane was destroyed by a surface-to-air missile. Plumb ejected and parachuted into enemy hands. He was captured and spent 6 years in a communist Vietnamese prison. He survived the ordeal and now lectures on lessons learned from that experience!One day, when Plumb and his wife were sitting in a restaurant, a man at another table came up and said, "You're Plumb! You flew jet fighters in Vietnam from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk. You were shot down!""How in the world did you know that?" asked Plumb."I packed your parachute," the man replied. Plumb gasped in surprise and gratitude. The man pumped his hand and said, "I guess it worked!" Plumb assured him, "It sure did. If your chute hadn't worked, I wouldn't be here today."Plumb couldn't sleep that night, thinking about that man. Plumb says, "I kept wondering what he had looked like in a Navy uniform: a white hat; a bib in the back; and bell-bottom trousers. I wonder how many times I might have seen him and not even said 'Good morning, how are you?' or anything because, you see, I was a fighter pilot and he was just a sailor." Plumb thought of the many hours the sailor had spent at a long wooden table in the bowels of the ship, carefully weaving the shrouds and folding the silks of each chute, holding in his hands each time the fate of someone he didn't know.Now, Plumb asks his audience, "Who's packing your parachute?" Everyone has someone who provides what they need to make it through the day. He also points out that he needed many kinds of parachutes when his plane was shot down over enemy territory - he needed his physical parachute, his mental parachute, his emotional parachute, and his spiritual parachute. He called on all these supports before reaching safety.Sometimes in the daily challenges that life gives us, we miss what is really important. We may fail to say hello, please, or thank you, congratulate someone on something wonderful that has happened to them, give a compliment, or just do something nice for no reason. As you go through this week, this month, this year, recognize people who pack your parachutes.
How to Attract Your Desire
How to Attract Your Desire
positive energy,
positive mental attitide,
positive thinking
Posted by
2:13 AM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Positive Thinking Makes A the Difference
Stop Wanting, Start Having
Song Chengxiang
Copyright @ 2008
Make a list of the things you want in your life (positive thinking)
and then tell me whether these are exactly the things that you don't have already.
If you really think about what I have just said, you will come
to the important realization that what you want you don't have. Isn't that mind blowing? Doesn't that sound weird and a bit scarey? We have been told that in order to get something,
we must want it and want it badly enough. However, what you have been told is completely wrong. The truth is that what you want, you don't have. Let me put it another way, it is the WANTING keeps you from having the things you want. You might tell me you know many examples in which people get things by wanting them. What I say to you is, that they will never get those things if they keep wanting them. The reason they may get things is because they have changed their feelings and attitudes about them and when that happens, the process of wanting stops. and they then attract these things. If you compare their attitudes before and after having the things, you will find the difference. It's not the wanting that brings them what they want, but the change of attitude from "the state of wanting" to the "state of accepting" or having. Read that sentence again. The important thing to remember is not how badly you want something, but how quickly you can shift your attitude. The longer you keep an attitude of want (or lack)> the longer you have to wait. Wanting is a state of not having enough, or the lack of something. When you want something, you are telling the universe that you don't have it. We have talked a lot about emotions and feelings. You need to know that the universe responds only to our emotions or feelings. The only language you can use to communicate with the universe is your emotion. Ask yourself, what are the emotions that you associate with the things you want? If it is a feeling of not having, or one of lack, then the universe can only responds with the actual manifestation of "lack" and not having. Wanting is a not having vibration, so what you vibrate, you attract. The state of wanting will forever keep you not having.
Wanting is the exact opposite of having. If you want a million dollars, that shows you don't have it. If you want a loving relationship, that shows you don't have it. If you want a perfect job or career, that shows you don't have it. The wealthy don't want money, they have money. A loving person doesn't want love, they have love. Only when you stop wanting something, can you have it. This sounds contradictory, but true. If you are in the state of wanting, the law of attraction will attract people, circumstances and events to keep you in the state of wanting. Only when you get out of the state of wanting, and get into the state of having, will you be provided with the things and events that you desire. Wanting and having are two different states of feeling that create completely opposite results. One leads to the misery of lack, or not having, and the other leads to the joy of abundance.
Since they are your feelings, you have the ability to change them. Never forget that you are
the master of your life. You can decide to live a life of lack or you can decide to live a life of abundance. It's a decision for you to make. You can choose your destiny by simply altering your feelings. You can fool everyone else but you can't fool yourself and you cannot fool the universe. Ask yourself right now, whether you are in the state of wanting or in the state of having. if you feel that you are wanting, try hard to let go of it, and learn to change to the state of having. Feel as if you actually have what you want.. For example, if you say you want a million dollars, but you have never made over $50,000, it might be difficult to feel what it would be like> to have that million... but if you have ever made even $10,000, you know how that feels. Think now about how it would feel if you had that $10,000 in your bank account... free and clear... imagine it again, and hold it in your mind as long as you can. Think what you could do today with $10,000; how you will feel when you take your partner or kids to dinner; how you will feel when you pay all your bills on time... and when you can do that, keep those good feelings as long and as often as you can. When that $10,000 comes to you then raise the amount and keep doing it with whatever amount you can really feel. Then you could play a game and ask yourself what someone having a million dollars will feel and what they would spend it on.... Make that list and feel how good it would feel when you write those checks... Make sure you feel those feelings the way you did for your $10,000 (or whatever amount you can really relate to).... This is what I mean by being in that "state of having". If you find yourself back in your daily worries about not having enough, switch to those good feelings... like changing the channel... the more often you do this the easier it will get.
But if you don't change those feelings, you will stay just where you are.... Hard to do? Perhaps, but it does work... we have lots of proof... so what do you have to lose? The laws of the Universe are not bendable,.... We get what we think about the most. Remember that you are part of this Universe... and this Universe is infinite. Try to imagine what an infinite being could possibly want.... An infinite being has it all... now all you need to do (yes, difficult at first) is tap into that state of feeling that you, too, have it all. You, are connected with the infinite and are already complete. and when you accept that, you will find that you need nothing, because you already have everything Until then, you may find yourself still wanting. When you begin to realize that everything you desire is available to you and you are willing to accept that, everything you previously wanted will show up. Life becomes perfect. Really work on what I shared with you today, and you will notice a shift of awareness - slight at first and then more and more obvious...and your life will begin to change with ways and opportunities that will open to you that you never imagined.
Song Chengxiang
Copyright @ 2008
Make a list of the things you want in your life (positive thinking)
and then tell me whether these are exactly the things that you don't have already.
If you really think about what I have just said, you will come
to the important realization that what you want you don't have. Isn't that mind blowing? Doesn't that sound weird and a bit scarey? We have been told that in order to get something,
we must want it and want it badly enough. However, what you have been told is completely wrong. The truth is that what you want, you don't have. Let me put it another way, it is the WANTING keeps you from having the things you want. You might tell me you know many examples in which people get things by wanting them. What I say to you is, that they will never get those things if they keep wanting them. The reason they may get things is because they have changed their feelings and attitudes about them and when that happens, the process of wanting stops. and they then attract these things. If you compare their attitudes before and after having the things, you will find the difference. It's not the wanting that brings them what they want, but the change of attitude from "the state of wanting" to the "state of accepting" or having. Read that sentence again. The important thing to remember is not how badly you want something, but how quickly you can shift your attitude. The longer you keep an attitude of want (or lack)> the longer you have to wait. Wanting is a state of not having enough, or the lack of something. When you want something, you are telling the universe that you don't have it. We have talked a lot about emotions and feelings. You need to know that the universe responds only to our emotions or feelings. The only language you can use to communicate with the universe is your emotion. Ask yourself, what are the emotions that you associate with the things you want? If it is a feeling of not having, or one of lack, then the universe can only responds with the actual manifestation of "lack" and not having. Wanting is a not having vibration, so what you vibrate, you attract. The state of wanting will forever keep you not having.
Wanting is the exact opposite of having. If you want a million dollars, that shows you don't have it. If you want a loving relationship, that shows you don't have it. If you want a perfect job or career, that shows you don't have it. The wealthy don't want money, they have money. A loving person doesn't want love, they have love. Only when you stop wanting something, can you have it. This sounds contradictory, but true. If you are in the state of wanting, the law of attraction will attract people, circumstances and events to keep you in the state of wanting. Only when you get out of the state of wanting, and get into the state of having, will you be provided with the things and events that you desire. Wanting and having are two different states of feeling that create completely opposite results. One leads to the misery of lack, or not having, and the other leads to the joy of abundance.
Since they are your feelings, you have the ability to change them. Never forget that you are
the master of your life. You can decide to live a life of lack or you can decide to live a life of abundance. It's a decision for you to make. You can choose your destiny by simply altering your feelings. You can fool everyone else but you can't fool yourself and you cannot fool the universe. Ask yourself right now, whether you are in the state of wanting or in the state of having. if you feel that you are wanting, try hard to let go of it, and learn to change to the state of having. Feel as if you actually have what you want.. For example, if you say you want a million dollars, but you have never made over $50,000, it might be difficult to feel what it would be like> to have that million... but if you have ever made even $10,000, you know how that feels. Think now about how it would feel if you had that $10,000 in your bank account... free and clear... imagine it again, and hold it in your mind as long as you can. Think what you could do today with $10,000; how you will feel when you take your partner or kids to dinner; how you will feel when you pay all your bills on time... and when you can do that, keep those good feelings as long and as often as you can. When that $10,000 comes to you then raise the amount and keep doing it with whatever amount you can really feel. Then you could play a game and ask yourself what someone having a million dollars will feel and what they would spend it on.... Make that list and feel how good it would feel when you write those checks... Make sure you feel those feelings the way you did for your $10,000 (or whatever amount you can really relate to).... This is what I mean by being in that "state of having". If you find yourself back in your daily worries about not having enough, switch to those good feelings... like changing the channel... the more often you do this the easier it will get.
But if you don't change those feelings, you will stay just where you are.... Hard to do? Perhaps, but it does work... we have lots of proof... so what do you have to lose? The laws of the Universe are not bendable,.... We get what we think about the most. Remember that you are part of this Universe... and this Universe is infinite. Try to imagine what an infinite being could possibly want.... An infinite being has it all... now all you need to do (yes, difficult at first) is tap into that state of feeling that you, too, have it all. You, are connected with the infinite and are already complete. and when you accept that, you will find that you need nothing, because you already have everything Until then, you may find yourself still wanting. When you begin to realize that everything you desire is available to you and you are willing to accept that, everything you previously wanted will show up. Life becomes perfect. Really work on what I shared with you today, and you will notice a shift of awareness - slight at first and then more and more obvious...and your life will begin to change with ways and opportunities that will open to you that you never imagined.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Positive Thought for Today
Today's Positive Affirmation
I am a good person.
I deserve to be treated with respect and will not accept less than that.
If anyone tries to treat me disrespectfully, I will stand up for myself
and let them know that I will not accept being treated that way.
I know that I'm a good person and no matter whatanybody else thinks,
I will treat myself with respect andself-love.
Thought For The Day
Life is...Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.Life is bliss, taste it
Life is a dream, realize it.Life is a challenge, meet it.Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.Life is a sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
~ Mother Teresa
I am a good person.
I deserve to be treated with respect and will not accept less than that.
If anyone tries to treat me disrespectfully, I will stand up for myself
and let them know that I will not accept being treated that way.
I know that I'm a good person and no matter whatanybody else thinks,
I will treat myself with respect andself-love.
Thought For The Day
Life is...Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.Life is bliss, taste it
Life is a dream, realize it.Life is a challenge, meet it.Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.Life is a sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
~ Mother Teresa
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Positive Affirmations
Welcome to Today's Positive Affirmation.
In order to make your positive affirmations even moreeffective, record them in your own voice and listen to themseveral times throughout the day. By hearing the positiveaffirmations in your own voice, they become more real toyou and in turn are more effective. You deserve to behappy.Today's Positive AffirmationI am open to new possibilities. No one can discourage me ormake me unhappy without my consent. I look at each day as achance to learn something new and create a life full ofpotential for even more happiness. I do not allow othersproblems to bring me down. I experienced joy for all of thegifts in my life.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
How to Discover - and Achieve -- Your Life Purpose"- by
Jeff Staniforth
Does it seem like your life consists of just "going withthe tide" - and that you have no particular destination? Doyou sometimes look at your life and ask, "Is this all thereis?"Does the pursuit of material things sometimes seemmeaningless to you? Do you often feel as though life ispassing you by?Is your time consumed by things that need to be done,rather than things that are important to you?
Do people put demands and responsibilities on you that are opposed towhat you want for your life?Have you been trying to live up to everyone else'sexpectations while your own plans and dreams gounfulfilled?If you answered "Yes" to any or all of the above questions,you're not alone. It's so easy for any of us to get "caughtup" in life that we forget how to truly live.
There's more wisdom than meets the eye in John Lennon's famous saying:"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.Frankly, life is too short for us to waste most of it onthe acquisition of material things, in trying to impress people we care little about, and on things that will have little or no value to us when we look back on our lives during our golden years.
In keeping with the theme of this newsletter, I'm here toshow you how to discover - and accomplish - your life'spurpose through the use of affirmations. Your life'spurpose may be defined as your personal mission, or your spiritual path, or the cause for which you live, or how you plan to make a difference, or what you want to leave behind after you're gone - or anything that's truly important toyou.Here are affirmations that will help you not only discoveryour life purpose, but also help get you deeply connectedto your spiritual self:
* Each day my life is filled with wonders and magic.
* I feel my divine connection to everyone and everything.* The light of God is guiding me in everything I do.* Every step I take leads me toward my Life Purpose.
* I now surrender to the will of God* Divine guidance is with me always
* I now let miracles happen* Divine wisdom unfolds within me now
.* I am now filled with the light and love of God.* Everything I seek is seeking me now.
* I now call on the light of God to guide me.
* I am totally one with God.*
I choose to experience things that will reveal my trueLife Purpose.
* I am now acting upon my Life Purpose with joy andpassion.* I now accept that my Life Purpose is to love myselfothers.
* I am now free to do the things I love.
* I choose to do the things I love.
* I am fulfilled as a person.
* I am now clear on my goals and I have the strength tofollow through on them.
* I am in a constant state of fulfillment.
* I am certain that my path is always perfect for me.
Choose the affirmations that feel appropriate to you.
Feelfree to create an affirmation that's suitable to you byasking yourself these questions:
What do you want? And how will you know when you get it?Those questions will put you on the right track to crafting life purpose affirmations that strike an emotional chord inyou, or at least enable you to substitute words in any ofthe above affirmations with words that have special meaningto you.
In order to make your positive affirmations even moreeffective, record them in your own voice and listen to themseveral times throughout the day. By hearing the positiveaffirmations in your own voice, they become more real toyou and in turn are more effective. You deserve to behappy.Today's Positive AffirmationI am open to new possibilities. No one can discourage me ormake me unhappy without my consent. I look at each day as achance to learn something new and create a life full ofpotential for even more happiness. I do not allow othersproblems to bring me down. I experienced joy for all of thegifts in my life.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
How to Discover - and Achieve -- Your Life Purpose"- by
Jeff Staniforth
Does it seem like your life consists of just "going withthe tide" - and that you have no particular destination? Doyou sometimes look at your life and ask, "Is this all thereis?"Does the pursuit of material things sometimes seemmeaningless to you? Do you often feel as though life ispassing you by?Is your time consumed by things that need to be done,rather than things that are important to you?
Do people put demands and responsibilities on you that are opposed towhat you want for your life?Have you been trying to live up to everyone else'sexpectations while your own plans and dreams gounfulfilled?If you answered "Yes" to any or all of the above questions,you're not alone. It's so easy for any of us to get "caughtup" in life that we forget how to truly live.
There's more wisdom than meets the eye in John Lennon's famous saying:"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.Frankly, life is too short for us to waste most of it onthe acquisition of material things, in trying to impress people we care little about, and on things that will have little or no value to us when we look back on our lives during our golden years.
In keeping with the theme of this newsletter, I'm here toshow you how to discover - and accomplish - your life'spurpose through the use of affirmations. Your life'spurpose may be defined as your personal mission, or your spiritual path, or the cause for which you live, or how you plan to make a difference, or what you want to leave behind after you're gone - or anything that's truly important toyou.Here are affirmations that will help you not only discoveryour life purpose, but also help get you deeply connectedto your spiritual self:
* Each day my life is filled with wonders and magic.
* I feel my divine connection to everyone and everything.* The light of God is guiding me in everything I do.* Every step I take leads me toward my Life Purpose.
* I now surrender to the will of God* Divine guidance is with me always
* I now let miracles happen* Divine wisdom unfolds within me now
.* I am now filled with the light and love of God.* Everything I seek is seeking me now.
* I now call on the light of God to guide me.
* I am totally one with God.*
I choose to experience things that will reveal my trueLife Purpose.
* I am now acting upon my Life Purpose with joy andpassion.* I now accept that my Life Purpose is to love myselfothers.
* I am now free to do the things I love.
* I choose to do the things I love.
* I am fulfilled as a person.
* I am now clear on my goals and I have the strength tofollow through on them.
* I am in a constant state of fulfillment.
* I am certain that my path is always perfect for me.
Choose the affirmations that feel appropriate to you.
Feelfree to create an affirmation that's suitable to you byasking yourself these questions:
What do you want? And how will you know when you get it?Those questions will put you on the right track to crafting life purpose affirmations that strike an emotional chord inyou, or at least enable you to substitute words in any ofthe above affirmations with words that have special meaningto you.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
By entertaining worrisome, fearful thoughts, your body
becomes rigid and tense. As you begin to hold
thoughts of prosperity and begin thinking of yourself
as a very wealthy, prosperous individual who is
surrounded by an ocean of thought energy,
swimming in a sea of plenty, your body and mind
will instantly move into a prosperous vibration and
you will begin to attract—just like a magnet—
everything necessary for you to become wealthy.
The instant you become aware you are
entertaining thoughts which create doubt, become
quiet, start relaxing and image yourself already in
possession of the prosperity you desire. When you
do this, you are altering the mental current which is
flowing into your marvelous mind.
Expect, with all of your consciousness, to receive
your good in your material world—“You think in
secret and it comes to pass, environment is but your
looking glass.” James Allen wrote those words
three-quarters of a century ago, but they are still true
today and they will always remain true in the future.
So program your “personal computer” to expect
good results and that is exactly what you will
receive. Expect An Abundance
becomes rigid and tense. As you begin to hold
thoughts of prosperity and begin thinking of yourself
as a very wealthy, prosperous individual who is
surrounded by an ocean of thought energy,
swimming in a sea of plenty, your body and mind
will instantly move into a prosperous vibration and
you will begin to attract—just like a magnet—
everything necessary for you to become wealthy.
The instant you become aware you are
entertaining thoughts which create doubt, become
quiet, start relaxing and image yourself already in
possession of the prosperity you desire. When you
do this, you are altering the mental current which is
flowing into your marvelous mind.
Expect, with all of your consciousness, to receive
your good in your material world—“You think in
secret and it comes to pass, environment is but your
looking glass.” James Allen wrote those words
three-quarters of a century ago, but they are still true
today and they will always remain true in the future.
So program your “personal computer” to expect
good results and that is exactly what you will
receive. Expect An Abundance
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
How to Attract What You Want
Become A Mental Magnet
For The Physical Manifestation Of Your Image.
If it is true that energy, or Spirit, is neither
created nor destroyed and everything
in its original state is either energy or
Spirit, it necessarily follows that everything
you will ever want is already here. It is simply
a matter of choosing the thoughts which will
put you into harmonious vibration with the
good that you desire.
Everything you are seeking is seeking you in
return. Therefore, everything you want is
already yours. So you don’t have to get anything;
it is simply a matter of becoming more aware of
what you already possess. The moment you bring
your life into harmony with the Law, into harmony
with the current of Divine Order, you will find that
the “negative“ will have “taken wings.” For its cause
will have been removed and you will no longer attract
what you don’t want. The secret to receiving, on the
physical plane, the results you desire is always locked
into the Law f Attraction. This entire book has been designed
to help you understand how to get into harmonious vibration
with the good you desire, and then how to stay in that positive
vibration, so you will begin to 124 The Law Of Vibration And
Attraction attract whatever you need for your image
of prosperity to move into form.
For The Physical Manifestation Of Your Image.
If it is true that energy, or Spirit, is neither
created nor destroyed and everything
in its original state is either energy or
Spirit, it necessarily follows that everything
you will ever want is already here. It is simply
a matter of choosing the thoughts which will
put you into harmonious vibration with the
good that you desire.
Everything you are seeking is seeking you in
return. Therefore, everything you want is
already yours. So you don’t have to get anything;
it is simply a matter of becoming more aware of
what you already possess. The moment you bring
your life into harmony with the Law, into harmony
with the current of Divine Order, you will find that
the “negative“ will have “taken wings.” For its cause
will have been removed and you will no longer attract
what you don’t want. The secret to receiving, on the
physical plane, the results you desire is always locked
into the Law f Attraction. This entire book has been designed
to help you understand how to get into harmonious vibration
with the good you desire, and then how to stay in that positive
vibration, so you will begin to 124 The Law Of Vibration And
Attraction attract whatever you need for your image
of prosperity to move into form.
law of attraction,
positive energy,
positive thinking
Posted by
12:36 AM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thoughts Are Things
I hold it true that thoughts are things;
They’re endowed with bodies
and breath and wings:
And that we send them forth to fill
The world with good results, or ill.
That which we call our secret thought
Speeds forth to earth’s remotest spot,
Leaving its blessings or its woes
Like tracks behind it as it goes.
We build our future, thought by thought,
For good or ill, yet know it not.
Yet so the universe was wrought.
Thought is another name for fate;
Choose then thy destiny and wait,
For love brings love and hate brings hate.
Henry Van Dyke
They’re endowed with bodies
and breath and wings:
And that we send them forth to fill
The world with good results, or ill.
That which we call our secret thought
Speeds forth to earth’s remotest spot,
Leaving its blessings or its woes
Like tracks behind it as it goes.
We build our future, thought by thought,
For good or ill, yet know it not.
Yet so the universe was wrought.
Thought is another name for fate;
Choose then thy destiny and wait,
For love brings love and hate brings hate.
Henry Van Dyke
Thursday, June 19, 2008
How to Put Your Success on Autopilot
The “Rapid Manifestation” Training Course: How to Get Everything You Want Fast! © Song Chengxiang –All Rights Reserved
Lesson One: Principle of Attraction
We have heard about the law of attraction many times, but we never truly understand it. In order to give it a scientific explanation, we have to have some basic knowledge of Quantum Physics.
It has become clear that everything in this universe is made of energy. The only difference between an atom of lead and an atom of gold is that the atom of lead has energy that is vibrating at different frequency with the energy of gold.
Lesson One: Principle of Attraction
We have heard about the law of attraction many times, but we never truly understand it. In order to give it a scientific explanation, we have to have some basic knowledge of Quantum Physics.
Quantum Physics is the study of the building block of the universe. Quantum Physics has proven that everything in this universe is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of sub-atomic particles sometimes called quanta. These sub-atomic particles are nothing but concentration of energy.
It has become clear that everything in this universe is made of energy. The only difference between an atom of lead and an atom of gold is that the atom of lead has energy that is vibrating at different frequency with the energy of gold.
It is evidently clear that why the same particles growing together is because they are vibrating at the same frequency. Since everything is made up of energy, then what is thought? Thought is also energy vibrating at a particular frequency. This has been proven in the laboratories. With proper instruments, scientists can measure the frequency of the thoughts, or brain waves.
Now we should understand things do not just happen accidentally. Everything happens in our life, happens for a reason. The reason is within us. It is our own thoughts that created everything that we are having now. There is no coincidence, there is no miracles, everything happened precisely according to the laws. Everything we have is attracted by our own thoughts. We are the creators.
There is bad news and good news. The bad news is that we may have misused the law of attraction; as a result we had experienced many unwanted things in our lives. The good news is that from now on, we can consciously attract anything we want effortlessly. The only thing we need to do is to send out the vibration of thoughts at the same frequency as the things we want.
All the rest will be taken care of by the law itself. You will be doing right things at the right time. What you want also wants you. Like attracts likes. In summary, our thoughts are vibrating energy; we can create anything we want by focusing our thoughts on the very thing we want. Everything else is taken care of by the law of attraction. We are what we think most of the time.
How to apply the law of attraction?
The simplest way to apply it is to hold a mental picture of what you desire as long as possible and as often as possible. Feel that you already have what you want with certainty; you will see it quickly in your real life.
law of attraction,
positive mental attitide,
self help,
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2:57 AM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Welcome to positive Energy. This is where you can get your Energy revived. We strive to
scatter good vibrations where ever we go. Lets join together and start a positive energy movement.
scatter good vibrations where ever we go. Lets join together and start a positive energy movement.
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