Ads By CbproAds

Thursday, July 10, 2008


By entertaining worrisome, fearful thoughts, your body
becomes rigid and tense. As you begin to hold
thoughts of prosperity and begin thinking of yourself
as a very wealthy, prosperous individual who is
surrounded by an ocean of thought energy,
swimming in a sea of plenty, your body and mind
will instantly move into a prosperous vibration and
you will begin to attract—just like a magnet—
everything necessary for you to become wealthy.

The instant you become aware you are
entertaining thoughts which create doubt, become
quiet, start relaxing and image yourself already in
possession of the prosperity you desire. When you
do this, you are altering the mental current which is
flowing into your marvelous mind.
Expect, with all of your consciousness, to receive
your good in your material world—“You think in
secret and it comes to pass, environment is but your
looking glass.” James Allen wrote those words
three-quarters of a century ago, but they are still true
today and they will always remain true in the future.
So program your “personal computer” to expect
good results and that is exactly what you will
receive. Expect An Abundance

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