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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How to Attract What You Want

Become A Mental Magnet

For The Physical Manifestation Of Your Image.
If it is true that energy, or Spirit, is neither
created nor destroyed and everything
in its original state is either energy or
Spirit, it necessarily follows that everything
you will ever want is already here. It is simply
a matter of choosing the thoughts which will
put you into harmonious vibration with the
good that you desire.

Everything you are seeking is seeking you in
return. Therefore, everything you want is
already yours. So you don’t have to get anything;
it is simply a matter of becoming more aware of
what you already possess. The moment you bring
your life into harmony with the Law, into harmony
with the current of Divine Order, you will find that
the “negative“ will have “taken wings.” For its cause
will have been removed and you will no longer attract
what you don’t want. The secret to receiving, on the
physical plane, the results you desire is always locked
into the Law f Attraction. This entire book has been designed
to help you understand how to get into harmonious vibration
with the good you desire, and then how to stay in that positive
vibration, so you will begin to 124 The Law Of Vibration And
Attraction attract whatever you need for your image
of prosperity to move into form.

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